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Lavender Stone Massage


Phone (503) 574-3525
Mobile (503) 574-3525 - Mobile
Address 3849 SW Hall Blvd,
Beaverton, OR 97005 United States


Step into the unique lobby at LSM. Pour yourself a glass of Alkaline Ionized Water and enjoy the scent of Essential Oils and feel the energy of the Stones!
The team at LSM has 20 years combined experience. Jane Crawford, Espree Bonterre, and Roni Stone are experienced, dedicated, and compassionate therapists. Working with the power of Hot and Cold Stones, we can help you relax and relieve your pain. We also use High Grade Essential Oils to enhance your table time. Whether you choose the Ooh Ahh Take Care of Me or The 4 Hands to Heaven, your visit to LSM will not be something you'll soon forget.

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