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The Shade Tree Massage Therapy


Phone (719) 761-7624
Address 1224 West Colorado Ave,
Colorado Springs, CO 80904 United States


Be in the hands of someone who cares

The Shade Tree is a home-office catering to a female clientèle. With a vast knowledge of the body, intuitive hands, and a desire to create a change for all that come for help. The one on one attention to your physical, emotional and energetic health makes The Shade Tree a must for the Everyday Woman's therapeutic needs.

The Shade Tree is an excellent example of true massage therapy. Offering a phenomenal list of massage therapy options, all designed to promote whole body well being. Every session is constructed for the individual with a full consultation before each session to discuss the work you want to achieve today.

The concept of massage and bodywork being a luxury item is a thing of the past. The work achieved here has and will always be about improving the quality of womens lives.

Conveniently located on West Colorado Ave.
By Appointment Only.

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