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Gohl Clinic of Chiropractic


Phone (760) 729-8802
Fax (607) 428-7263 - Fax
Address 2562 State Street,
Carlsbad, CA 92008 United States


Aches, pains, and symptoms are the body's way of bringing to your conscious attention that your body is malfunctioning. Your body alerts you where you have the most nerve fibers: the spine, the head, the neck, and the low back. These are very progressive conditions. The longer the malfunction persists, the worse the long-term health consequences will be.

Chiropractic adjustments assist the body in getting you to function normally, not only for obvious things like back pain, neck pain, and headaches, but many visceral conditions you've lived with for years and the ones you didn't even know you were developing.

We utilize the Gonstead system of analysis and adjusting as developed and practiced by Dr. Richard A. Gohl. We focus on pain management and structural spinal and disc correction (as proven through our before and after X-Rays).

We make care very affordable for you and your family. We service patients and their families from Carlsbad, Oceanside, Encinitas, Cardiff, Leucadia, Rancho Sante Fe, Solana Beach, Del Mar, and San Diego. We're here to help you and your family get and stay healthy. Don't live with limitations any longer. Call us today to schedule a no charge consultation.

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