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Conscious Chiropractic and Acupuncture


Phone (415) 677-9900
Fax (415) 358-5803 - Fax
Address 220 Montgomery St,
San Francisco, CA 94104 United States


Conscious Chiropractic and Acupuncture exists to serve our diverse San Francisco downtown and Financial District patients in attaining their individual health, wellness, and fitness goals through chiropractic treatments, acupuncture, massage therapy, and nutritional counseling. Our goal is to become your total wellness provider; a safe place in which to discuss any topics affecting physical and mental well-being without judgment, ask questions without fear of ridicule, and work with experts to create real life solutions to complex problems. Urban living presents its own unique challenges. We consistently strive to understand the integrative nature of those stresses and address them in a creative fashion.

Of course we are here to treat your worker's compensation and auto accident injuries, cumulative traumas, lifting injuries, sprains and strains and sports related injuries. But our goal is to make these services available to meet your needs long after the acute injury has healed.

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